A good night’s sleep is not only deeply refreshing, but also good for your health.
Sleep is a vital activity that allows our bodies and minds to regenerate and prepare for a new day.
But too many Americans are going without enough sleep, setting them up for memory difficulties, weight gain and immune system deficiencies.
Thirty percent of Americans have problems falling asleep, or staying asleep. And 42 percent of Americans last year reported that they were sleep deprived, according to a recent Gallup poll.
“No question about it, the amount of sleep that we are getting has diminished,” said neurologist Alon Avidan, head of the sleep disorders clinic at UCLA.
It’s a problem that is only getting more pronounced, as people are increasingly glued to their mobile devices, in some cases monitoring work e-mails late into the evening.
By contrast, only 11 percent of Americans reported sleeping six hours a night or less in 1942.
So what options are available?
A sleep study is a good place to start.
Sleep studies can detect dangerous breathing patterns or abnormal muscle activity linked to sleep disorders.
And once you figure out the problem, there are many treatment options available.
All week long, CBS2’s Lisa Sigell will be showing some of those treatments.
On Tuesday, Lisa will take you inside a sleep school for insomniacs, where students learn how to give up their Ambien and rely on natural sleep aids.
To view the original CBS article, please click here.