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3 Tips to Transition from Summer to School

There is no subtlety to the start of the school year. Blaring bells, crowded halls, thudding books and rigid routines mark the end of summer fun. Here’s a few tips to ease your kids out of the hammock and back into the classrooms.

Start Early. Like Now.

Summer is a lawless time of unbridled fun. Well, at least it is in kids’ minds. Start to reintroduce routine: predictable mealtimes, structured activities, chores and expectations. Starting now will allow you to ease into the transition slowly and make back-to-school time less jarring.

Bring Back Bedtimes.

It’s hard to go to bed before the sun does, but the bedtime slide that most families experience will make school mornings rough if you don’t course correct soon.

Take it slow. Each night, begin your kid’s bed routine 10 minutes earlier. And each morning, try waking them up a little earlier. The good news: This school year, public high schools will begin no earlier than 8:30 a.m. and middle school no earlier than 8 a.m.

Talk it Out.

Talk about school, ask them what they’re excited about. Mention the teachers they’ll see again, the friends, the playground. Listen to their anxieties and brainstorm solutions (playdates with school friends they haven’t seen all summer, flash cards to brush up their math skills, etc.).

The end of summer can be a bummer. But with forethought and planning, you can help your kid meet those blaring bells with confidence.

Hoag is here for your family this back-to-school season. Visit to find a board-certified pediatrician near you to provide care for the physical, social and emotional well-being of your children.